"Located in the Midst of the Midwest"
Your Storage Warehouse Company for Quality Care
Welcome to American Warehousing and Distribution, where we are proud to provide full-service refrigerated and dry storage warehousing for the La Crosse, Wisconsin, area. From handling and storage to redistribution/distribution services, we are here for you. We have 2 convenient locations near Interstate 90 that are secure and suitable for both contract and public warehousing.
At American Warehousing and Distribution, we know how important it is to store your materials in an environment you can trust. Both of our locations offer dust, pest, and humidity control. What this means to you is that our aggressively high standards ensure that your materials will remain intact and safe while on our premises.

Our Storage Warehouses:
2820 Commerce Street
Our super clean and fully racked warehouse is able to handle dry goods and other commodities. In addition, it is a food-grade warehouse licensed through the Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture perfect for products utilizing multiple SKUs. This dry and refrigerated storage facility includes pickup, filling, and distributing orders depending on your demands.
2405 Hauser Street
We offer clear-span warehousing at this location for dry storage. This extraordinarily clean 50,00-square-foot, USDA-approved location offers 20-foot eave height. We are excited at the possibility of acquiring new customers while maintaining a loyal relationship with our existing customers. Contact us today to discuss the possibilities!
Contact us at (608) 781-7785
for storage and distribution services.